Zucchini with Quinoa

Zucchini with Quinoa


Zucchini 2 large size Zucchini
White rice 1/2cup
Red Quinoa 1/4cup
Coconut oil 2tbs
Yellow cheese 2cups shredded or 300gr. sliced
Salt 1tsp


Set a water* to boil than add the rice and the salt.
Set a water** to boil than add the quinoa.
When ready mix, while hot the rice, quinoa and coconut oil.

Cut the zucchini longitudinally. Take off the seeds to make space for filling.
Fill with rice mixture than spread the cheese on top to cover.

Place so prepared zucchini in greased tray (or use a baking sheet).

Preheat oven at 200C. Bake for approximately 30min.

*Water volume: follow cooking instruction on the white rice packing.
**Water volume: follow cooking instruction on the red quinoa packing.

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